Supporting the work of Bexwell Church Financially
You can support the church in a number of ways:
For single payments you can send a cheque
Send a cheque made payable to ‘St Mary's Bexwell PCC’ and mail to 1 Bexwell Hall Farm Barns, Bexwell Lane, Bexwell, Downham Market, PE38 9LZ
If you wish to be a regular giver to the church please sign up to the Parish Giving Scheme
This is an efficient, online service that allows you to set up a Direct Debit to be paid as often as you choose for an amount that you choose. Many people decide to contribute a small amount monthly and this is then processed by the Scheme and the church is informed every month about how much has been donated and how much we receive in Gift Aid. This makes the accounting process very simple as well as helping us to know what funds we have available to help the work of the church. The only person who knows what you are giving is the treasurer so your anonymity is protected.
We believe that this is the best system for you as members of the church and for those who are responsible for the administration of church business matters. Once set up it reduces workload and delays in receiving Gift Aid funds. We would therefore strongly encourage you to join this scheme. Many people already make welcome monthly contributions via the BACS system and joining the scheme would ensure that we do not miss out on Gift Aid.
The website gives plenty of clear information, but if you would like help with this process get in touch and we will arrange to give you some support. Not everyone is keen to use online systems but we can help with that too. Thank you for supporting the church at Bexwell St Mary’s.
Support the work of the King's Lynn Night Shelter
Support the work of our local Food Bank
The food bank is located at:
Eternity Downham Market, The Sovereign Centre
Sovereign Way, Trafalgar Industrial Estate, Downham Market, PE38 9SW
01366 384474 / 077071911674
Opening Times:
Tuesday 12:30 - 4:30
Friday 10:30-12:30
A statement from a trustee of the Downham Market foodbank:
Our foodbank is part of a national network of foodbanks across the U.K. It is an anti-poverty charity founded on Christian values of compassion, respect, dignity and justice.
Among the many reasons why people need the help of a foodbank are:
job loss/redundancy,
long term ill health,
delay in receiving benefits,
domestic violence,
elderly and vulnerable not able to manage on their pension.
We don't just give out food - volunteers provide a warm friendly, non-judgemental environment. On average a foodbank user has only £50 a week after rent to pay for food, travel, utility bills and clothing. We talk to and listen to clients and signpost them to where to
get help, for example Citizens Advice who will guide them on the way to manage their money and navigate the benefit system. Also, we can put them in contact with charities such as Age UK and Mind.
A voucher is needed for food, and these can be obtained from G.P's, Schools, Probation service, health visitors and Social Services. The food provided is nutritionally balanced. Provision is for
three days emergency food which is a stop-gap, enabling families and individuals to cope through a particular crunch time. It is expected that three vouchers are all that is needed while long term solutions are put in place.
We operate in an area of relative wealth mixed with extreme poverty, where many of the essential services such as the Department of Works and Pensions, Job Centre etc are half an hour away by bus or train, which is a significant physical and financial barrier for those already
experiencing hardship. Food bank users often come into our building feeling ashamed, angry, humiliated, scared and desperate. Our aim is that they leave with dignity, relief and the beginnings of some peace of mind.
Currently the food bank urgently needs:
The Food Bank does not need:
Pasta or Baked Beans or Tomato Soup